Saturday, July 10, 2010

>: face it :<

"strike a match"

part of the heart of my art
leans toward peace and sustenance
picking your battles doesn't make one stronger
especially if you only fight when winning is a certainty

standing in the face of opposition is my strong suit
the measure of a hueman grows there most
choosing the path of least resistance makes your persistence seem...

when exercising the freedoms of speech
it is best to rely on cautionary wisdom
lest one stands on a soap spouting conspiracy theories
speeches and marches only reach those who already know about it

the pretext of your context is obvious
you seek to destroy the idea of dissension
but...outside the box is where fertile ideas are seeded
and i am just the right amount of sunshine the world needs...
try to stop me.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.4

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