Thursday, June 18, 2009

:: this can't be life.... (whose line is it anyway?) ::

There has to be more to my allure than just a deep stroke and hurricane tongue...i'm 1 mile to 30 and i'm at that awkward place (again) where i question my existence....who am i to the world? what is my struggle all about and in that regard, why is the struggle absolutely conducive to my ascension? My ex once said that anyone who's rich either got lucky or are fuckin criminals. I'd like to think the former is more true than anything but reviewing the current state of the economy and the masculine bastards that control it suggests...otherwise.

I don't like trying to figure me out at this stage of my life. I mean i should have gotten it at this point RIGHT? And yet i keep making these childish mistakes only to overstand....*snaps fingers twice*....nothing. right back at square one. I want to be more for someone than just good intimacy. the most important thing is getting reacquainted with self all over again. but for now,

....and i refuse to accept my propensity to make you orgasm as my only winning quality.

carry on.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

:: i'm a poet muthafucka! ::

.....and you know you want me to talk dirty to you. observe. =)