Thursday, March 04, 2010

:: Commentary: money is the root of all evil

a few weeks ago, i tweeted how i believed that as long as we live in a monetary society, we would always live in a system of inherit debt. I think it was taken out of context...possibly because i never put it in the correct context lol.

My reference to money is not that of the physical paper that is denoted to be "legal tender"...nor of the digital transactions that allow you to pay whatever debts you owe when your paycheck hits your checking account. I am referencing those institutions presently in control of the distribution of money...and debt.

The Federal more federal than Fed-Ex. i am not going to place my research here for you to divide and is something everyone should look into...and how the majority of people working for this awful place are the very banks that you deposit your checks into for savings and repaying the debt. JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of America just to name a few of the offenders. there is where you can start your research but i can tell you that what you uncover may...well...piss you the hell off...or it can make you want to continue being a sheep...with wool around the eyes removed.

Also, it is important to note one thing about debt: you will NEVER get out of it. Debt is something inherently built into the monetary system. What you didn't know? take into consideration the terms "inflation" and "interest". sure you may have a good credit score and do what you can to ensure your bills are paid on time and yadda yadda yadda...but the money that you have in your pocket right now(or account) already has debt attached to it because of those aforementioned terms prior to you ever touching it or even spending it.

Research it. i am really not giving any answers in this post because i want people to be hungry enough to seek change of some sort. there is never a perfect solution to any problem we as a society face....but there definitely are BETTER things out there that we need to look into....for our children's sake. think phreely and think differently.

hopefully, don't be as you all were.

p.s. commentary coming soon on why i started the "outside the race" poetry series

p.p.s. here is a good place to start:

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

:: Eargasm ::

Enigma - "Traces" (Light and Weight) you're welcome.

:: and then this one... ::

Outside of the Race #1

Black is not a color...there i said it
So opens the flood gates of the new Negro's intellect
I'm a third party viewing this nonsense
Draped in African headdress doesn't bring the struggle closer to you

How you say my blackness doesn't exist because I don't fly the flag?
This class ism has me on pause when you're a willing participant
Measuring my culture by your cultist ways
Forgive me if I tell you and your ancestors to go to hell

We already there...nobody got us fighting each other but us
You right...I'm beneath you and your survivalist mentality
I preach freedom for ALL peoples...unbiased glory for all
Reach the mountain top holding hands in unison uplifted

Your color lines keep you color blind
There is no progress in your pretext
Downgrading the interruption of everything
Simply put....YOU are trivializing the struggle.

as you all were.

:: Poetry Corner ::

The Great

I blow breath mimicking 4 corner winds
Stand up to me and you're bound to collapse
Oxygen mask and defibrillator non-inclusive
Resuscitate your life through magnified lenses

Substance abuse can't jack my willpower
I've been taught to devour and leave no trace
DNA evidence notwithstanding your court trials
A superb being....mortal and immortal intertwined

Finish your sentence...quit pausing for ellipsis
Treasure seekers find no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
You chasing technicolor dreams to catch me
I'm and white...between the lines

You can let ink bleed on tree sapped appendages
Notebooks and laptop GUI's for your viewers
I inscribe decrees of solace in the heart of monsters
Goblins and ghouls...stretch nonsense into sensibility

Verses you can see without glasses
Microscopic particles to up the ante on insanity
So when they ask you who i was...just tell them
"She was a being with no boundaries...and the world that is your mind was her playground."

as you all were.