Saturday, October 17, 2009

>:: i'm open ::<

i'll give you me
open like a chakra during rebirth
who is controlling our growth
we're the manifestation of earth

they can't figure out our world
they think we're half past crazy
why should i give them a clear picture
damn right it'll be hazy

cause our business is ours
and ain't nobody touching it
conversation heavy like the biggest loser
except we winning it

rhyme slow and bless ears with solace
tidal waves couldn't match our intensity
we stand on top of Jericho's walls yelling
step forward if you've got the propensity

cause us is new and we are sacred
shake doubters out their foot soles
Love has arrived quickly
now let us go...our story is about to be told

it's just you and I and i'll protect you
outsiders will try and infiltrate
next to you i'm stronger than Elmer's glue
you can't help but know it is fate

fuck being two ships in the night sailing
bound never to touch sails
i realize my heart for you has been ailing
and we're gonna ride the rails

to you i pledge my love
without the release of doves
and heaven only knows our course
but i'm happy to walk hand in hand to the final wetness...of conjoined moist/

as you all were.

Friday, October 02, 2009

>:: we stay relevant at all costs ::<

Before i begin, please visit my friend in the head's (not really) @smashedthehomie's blog to feel all of the chagrin at #FAILed and 90's swing back rapper Warren G and his disdain for the gays, which he tries harder than a porn star's penis to cover up...really go read it otherwise, this diatribe will make no sense: Warren G squirt's a doodie....out his mouth.

FIRST of all, i am too old to even have to address this shit....let me have a moment of arrogance and say that conversations like this are beneath me since i've been fighting with lightweight hating mofo's since i was 18 about MY damn sexuality.

Secondly, i HAVE to say something about this...basically this guy is saying that it is okay for us to return to the closet. Are you HIGH Warren G? If you're not, you should be. You are perpetuating the kind of sideline negativity that has kept gay people in the closet for this long. I'm not about to feel some kind of way because Will Smith and Tom Cruise are kissing on screen....if that ever happened...and not because i'm gay....I'm only stating that it is silly to try to hide sexuality of all things from a teenager. Now if your kids are 1 and 2 and single digit years in general, why the HELL would you allow them to watch something like this anyway, be it guys, chicks, or a guy and chick kissing? Don't try to blame your lackadaisical parenting skills on my sexuality and my choice to express myself either on tv or in public(though admittedly, i'm not the most publicly affectionate person...just saying.)

Thirdly, don't pretend that you have no problem with us when clearly you're backpedaling in this article. I hate that. Be honest about your feelings. I'd have respected you more than this tap dancing routine you were doing. AND why in shits name is VANITY FAIR interviewing Warren G ANYway?!

Bottom line, i'm tired of you straight folks wanting Us to play your game just so YOU don't feel uncomfortable. FUCK ya'll. and stop worrying about who i'm kissing, licking, sucking, and feeding.

Of all the shit in the world to be concerned with and GAY is what he talks about. you ignorant shoestring potato eating sonovabitch.

that. is. all.