Friday, November 12, 2010

>: realize, real lies :<

Seems like the order of the day is confusion...everyone is trying to fight their way out of a paper bag or finally using the third eye to see what the other two kept missing.

It took me until this very age for everything to start collectively making SENSE. All those questions that i had in my early 20's were NOT answered...i instead began to accept, with my analytical self, that everything doesn't require an answer...and THAT is the lesson to be learned...taken within one's spirit.

If you have lived a full life, at some point you say to self(or should say) "time to focus". Yes you do this in your youth but i don't think one takes it seriously, unless you are hella ambitious...which shouldn't suggest that i am not. Its just...i guess i have a higher propensity to not give a hoot about situations i cannot is truely an exercise in futility.

The moral of this blog entry is simply put by a quote from God's Son himself, Nas: "No matter what clouds are true...eventually the sun will come out...and you cannot stop the sun from shining."

As you were...or will be.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

>: *taps mic* :<

My past few blog entries have been nothing but poems. I've pretty much tried to avoid the shit storms that are a taking place in the world over the past few months.

First off, has anyone noticed the number of planes that appear to be falling out of the sky at an alarming rate? This does nothing to surpress my inane fear of traveling by way of them. I am not sure if those responsible for the maintenance of them are falling asleep at the wheel or if the planes are just poorly made to begin with...either way, i will not be visiting any airports anytime soon thankYOUverymuch.

I noticed as well that Kanye decided to get back to the music...which i respectfully (ha!) requested via Twitter awhile ago...i appreciate you sir.

The Republicans are now spelled T-e-a P-a-r-t-y. I honestly believe that most Americans are so ready for things to change that they succumbed to the belief that anything is better than nothing....when you're getting nowhere FAST. Need I remind these people that Rome wasn't built in a day...and when speaking to most of these people, who are so hell bent on painting a pic of the President as the antichrist, they have absolutely forgotten how this country got in this jagged off position in the first place.

Which brings me to my next piece of ranting...Bush defined why he was/is such a douche bag this past week. Stating that Kanye caling him a racist was the worst moment in his presidency is just...craziness...illuminated. You are an embarassment to history sir....but in the same breathe, a primary example of how NOT to win friends and influence people. You cannot change what is already written and like it or not, you SUCKED as the President of this country. Thee end.

A volcano is erupting....the economy is on a very slow path to recovery....Glenn Beck is still an idiot...Tyler Perry remade a classic(which everyone seems to be up in arms about and i have NO opinion about, one way or the other)....daylight savings time began...i lost 10lbs. Did i miss anything? =)

As you were.
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