Monday, January 18, 2010

>:: Commentary: Childhood ::<

Image: Looking back on all the experiences of my childhood, i would have to say that it wasn't so bad. Experiencing everything as an adult makes you appreciate the lack of responsibility and worry that you had as a child and teenager...after all, that is what my parents preached to me. I miss the days of only worrying about sports and passing math and coming home after school and practice to watch Fresh Prince that night or the Cosby Show or A Different World.

Life is what you make of it and with whom you choose to make it with can be the difference...but as we rear children of our own, let us not forget the enjoyment of childhood and NEVER take that away from your child. The mark of a good parent, in my opinion, is to hope that your child will have a better life than you do...and ensure that by walking them through the proper choices...and also by allowing them to make whatever mistakes necessary to help them become more well-rounded.

Whenever you're having a down day....close your eyes for a few moments...and remember pixie sticks....cassette tapes...good R&B music....good television shows...high school dances...and the carefree nature of just BEing a child. Enjoy the vision.

as you all were.