Monday, March 16, 2009

>:: are you attention...again? ::<

the world is all OVER the place right. AIG showing their ass and then trying to justify it. Congress' infighting...governor's refusing money to enhance their own political aspiration....hold up let me speak on that last part.

To the governors of various states that are refusing the money given to help your constituents out: you are as stupid as the people that elected you and if they elect you again for ANY office, they are even MORE stupid. i would never support someone who turned their back on me only because they wanted to further their political agenda. Meanwhile i'm homeless and hungry as ever. No. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

Again, people need to chill the fukk out with all of this nonsense about how much money Obama is spending. People for the last and final time, it didn't take us 3 months to get into this economical hell, it won't take us that amount of time to get out. If you've ever owned a business or studied the blueprint of people that own them, you'll know that you have to spend money to make money. that is no different now as we are in economical HELL and sitting back twiddling thumbs is NOT going to resolve the issue. Please warn yourself and overstand that this is going to be a lifetime commitment and it has happened before(recessions that is) and we WILL get back on long as we don't let these criminals that are playing russian roulette continue to do so.

as you all were.